Monday, January 31, 2011
Bertandang ke muzium batuan pelik
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Menjamu selera kat Little Vietnam
Dua minggu lepas aku sempat gi midavalley dengan kawan aku sorang nie. Gi midvalley sebab nak gi tgk chocolate and properties fair. Pas jenjalan, sempat singgah ke kedai makan..diberi nama Little vietnam.. orait jugak makanannya..ingat nak masak ikut style derang nie nanti..
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Just let it go.. (The Art of Letting go)
Sooner or later, everyone you know will disappoint you in some way. They'll say something or fail to say something that will hurt you. And they'll do something or fail to do something that will anger you. It's inevitable.
Unfortunately, you make things worse when you stew over someone's words and deeds. When you dwell on a rude remark or an insensitive action made by another person, you're headed for deeper problems. In fact, the more you dwell on these things, the more bitter you'll get.
You'll find your joy, peace and happiness slipping away. And you'll find your productivity slowing down as you spend more and more time thinking about the slight of telling others about it.
Eventually, if you don't stop doing it, you'll even get sick.
So what should you do the next time someone betrays you? TAKE RESPONSIBILITY
FOR YOUR FEELINGS. Even though the other person may be at fault, even though the
other person wronged you, you are still responsible for your own feelings.
In other words, other people do not "cause" your feelings. You choose them.
For example, two different people could be told that their suggestions made at
the staff meeting were "stupid and idiotic." One person may "choose" to feel so hurt that he never speaks up at any other meeting again. The other person may "choose" to feel sorry for the critic, sorry that the critic couldn't see the wisdom and necessity of her suggestions.
As long as you blame other people for your feelings, as long as you believe other people caused your feelings, you're stuck. You're a helpless victim.
But if you recognize the fact that you choose your feelings and you are responsible for your feelings, there's hope. You can take some time to think about your feelings. And you can decide
what the best thing to say or do is.
Then, you've got to learn to WALK AWAY FROM DISAPPOINTMENT. It's difficult to
do, but it's possible. The famous 19th century Scottish historian, Thomas Carlyle, proved that.
Carlyle finally completed the work, which ranks as one of the great classics of all time. He had learned to walk away from his disappointment.
Sometimes you've just got to shake it off and step up.
Finally, you need to FORGIVE. It's difficult, especially when the other person doesn't deserve your forgiveness or doesn't even seek it. It's difficult when the other person is clearly in the
Part of the difficulty comes from a common misunderstanding of forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn't mean that the other person's behaviour is alright. And forgiveness doesn't mean that the other person is off the hook. He's still responsible for his misbehaviour.
Forgiveness is about letting yourself off the emotional hook. It's about releasing your negative emotions, attitudes, and behaviours. It's about letting go of the past so you can go forward to the future.
Everyone in your life, everyone on and off the job is going to disappoint you.
If you know how to respond to those situations, you'll be way ahead of most people. You'll be able to live above and beyond your circumstances.
Identify two people that have
disappointed, hurt, or angered you.
If possible, select two people towards
whom you still have some bitterness.
Then ask yourself, "How does my
bitterness serve me?
Am I happier holding on to it?
Do I sleep better?
Is my life richer, fuller, and better
because of my bitterness?"
If you find that your bitterness is
hurting you, make a decision.
Decide to let go! Period!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
#20 Mengumpat
Mengumpat ialah menceritakan atau menyebut keburukan atau kekurangan seseorang kepada orang lain. Rasullah S.A. W. menjelaskan mengenai mengumpat separti sabdanya bermaksud “Mengumpat itu ialah apabila kamu menyebut perihal saudaramu dengan sesuatu perkara yang dibencinya” (Hadis Riwayat Muslim).
Mengumpat berlaku sama ada disedari atau tidak. Perbuatan itu termasuk apabila menyebut atau menceritakan keburukan biarpun tanpa menyebut nama pelakunya tetapi diketahui oleh orang yang mendengarnya. Memandangkan betapa buruk dan hinanya mengumpat, ia disamakan seperti memakan daging saudara seagama. Manusia waras tidak sanggup memakan daging manusia, inikan pula daging saudara sendiri. Dosa mengumpat bukan saja besar, malah antara dosa yang tidak akan diampunkan oleh Allah biarpun pelakunya benar-benar bertaubat.
Dosa mengumpat hanya layak diampunkan oleh orang yang diumpatkan. Selagi orang yang diumpatnya tidak mengampunkan, maka dosa itu akan kekal dan menerima pembalasannya diakhirat. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud: Awaslah daripada mengumpat kerana mengumpat itu lebih berdosa daripada zina. Sesungguhnya orang melakukan zina, apabila dia bertaubat, Allah akan menerima taubatnya. Dan sesungguhnya orang yang melakukan umpat tidak akan diampunkan dosanya sebelum diampun oleh orang yang diumpat” (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Abib Dunya dan Ibnu Hibbad).
Disebabkan mengumpat terlalu biasa dilakukan, maka ia tidak dirasakan lagi sebagai satu perbuatan dosa. Hakikat inilah perlu direnungkan oleh semua. Mengumpat dan mencari kesalahan orang lain akan mendedahkan diri pelakunya diperlakukan perkara yang sama oleh orang lain. Allah akan membalas perbuatan itu dengan mendedahkan keburukan pada dirinya. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. “wahai orang beriman dengan lidahnya tetapi belum beriman dengan hatinya! Janganlah kamu mengumpat kaum muslim, dan jangan lah kamu mengintip-intip keaibannya. Sesungguhnya, sesiapa yang mengintip keaiban saudaranya, maka Allah akan mengintip keaibannya, dan dia akan mendedahkannya, meskipun dia berada dalam rumahnya sendiri” (Hadis riwayat Abu Daud).
Orang yang mengumpat akan mendapat kerugian besar pada hari akhirat. Pada rekod amalan mereka akan dicatatkan sebagai perbuatan menghapuskan pahala. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud perbuatan mengumpat itu samalah seperti api memakan ranting kayu kering”. Pahala yang dikumpulkan sebelum itu akan musnah atau dihapuskan seperti mudahnya api memakan kayu kering sehingga tidak tinggal apa-apa lagi.
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Ummah al-Bahili, diakhirat seorang terkejut besar apabila melihat cacatan amalan kebaikan yang tidak pernah dilakukannya didunia. Maka, dia berkata kepada Allah “Wahai Tuhan ku, dari manakah datangnya kebaikan yang banyak ini, sedangkan aku tidak pernah melakukannya”. Maka Allahmenjawab : ”Semua itu kebaikan (pahala) orang yang mengumpat engkau tanpa engkau ketahui”. Sebaliknya, jika pahala orang yang mengumpat tidak ada lagi untuk diberikan kepada orang yang diumpat, maka dosa orang yang diumpat akan dipindahkan kepada orang yang mengumpat. Inilah dikatakan orang muflis diakhirat nanti. Memandangkan betapa buruknya sifat mengumpat, kita wajib berusaha mengelakkan diri daripada melakukannya. Oleh itu perbanyakkanlah zikir supaya dapat menghindarkan diri daripada mengumpat.
Sumber dari blog ini.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
#19 Don't overdo it!
Studying 15 minutes per day is more effective than studying 2 hours once every week.
For a whole week, try studying 15 minutes each day. Not less. And definitively not more than that (even if you could).
You will see that the following day, studying is much more fun, simply because you didn't push it to the limit the day before.
Friday, January 7, 2011
#18 Appreciate Life
Appreciate Life
by Tash Hughes
You don’t need to be suffering from depression to find life grey and dismal at times; we’re all prone to feeling stressed, tired, down and aimless.
We can’t always see a solution to feeling like that, so we go on coping with life without feeling much pleasure in things or appreciating what we have.
Can it be different?
How many times have we heard of people learning to appreciate life and ‘living like there’s no tomorrow’ after a life threatening event? And we all feel good for those people to have found a new chance.
But why do we have to wait until our lives, or the lives of those dear to us, are threatened before we take notice of the joy around us?
That’s not to say we should ignore the sad aspects of life or pretend we don’t have any pressures or stresses on us, because they are important too. But surely we can find time every day just to value what we have and appreciate the fact that we are alive.
How can we appreciate life more?
We could remind ourselves of the bad experiences we have survived as an example of how much better things now are, but that is still a fairly negative approach.
Instead, we can make ourselves much happier to concentrate on the good things and even on how we can improve things for ourselves and others.
Here are some quick ways you can add happiness to your life each day:
- Each night as you go to bed, list the 6 things you are most grateful for that day. If you’re having trouble counting to six, remember the little things such as having a roof over your head, food to eat, eyes to read this with and friends who care.
- Read positive quotes and stories. A quote takes only seconds or a minute to read so even the busiest of people can fit this in.
- Stop what you are dong and stretch your arms and legs. Feel the sensations of stretching and the pleasure of using muscles.
- Go out of your way to thank someone for what they are doing. It doesn’t have to be something they do for you – maybe thanks the lollipop lady for helping children stay safe, a stacker for keeping supermarket shelves full or a recycler for saving resources.
- Smile. Yep, that’s all it takes – just smile occasionally even if no one is there to see it!
- Have a cuddle. Find a child, lover, pet, teddy bear or friend and cuddle them often.
- Wear things you like – perfume, after shave lotion, jewellery, favourite clothes. Wear them and enjoy wearing them rather than leaving them stored for rare ‘special occasions’.
- Contact a friend or relative and chat about unimportant things – use email if you haven’t got time for a long phone call or visit.
- Eat and drink slowly – it is less stressful on your body and mind and gives you time to actually taste it. Experience the textures on your tongue, too.
- Take notice of nature. Watch a sunrise or sunset, literally smell a flower, listen to the rain on a roof, walk on some autumn leaves and breathe in some fresh air. Taking a few seconds to appreciate beauty and nature is a great way to forget your worries and bring a smile to your face.
- Indulge in a hobby. If you can’t actually do it every day, read, talk or daydream about it instead.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
#17 The Mountain Story!
A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"
The voice answers: "I admire you!"
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life; Life will give you back everything you have given to it."
-Author Unknown
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
#16 it shouldn't be broke...
Monday, January 3, 2011
#15 The 7-ups
2. Dress Up -The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
3. Shut Up - Say nice things & learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. "He who guards his lips guards his soul. "Gossip betrays confidence . Avoid men who talk too much" "Listen to advice, accept instruction and in the end, you will be wise"
4. Stand Up - For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything. "Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..."
5. Look Up - "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength"
6. Reach Up - For something higher. As Jiminy Cricket sings "High Hopes" Always try to better yourself. Have FAITH. "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Lift Up - Your Prayers. "Do not worry about anything; instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING
- Author Unknown
Sunday, January 2, 2011
#14 terus terang kan lebih baik?
Namun begitu, indahnya sikap manusia kekadang rasional untuk menerima hakikat seorang kawan, walhal dah banyak kali diperlakukan sebegitu. Namun tidak sekali2 untuk membalas... biar Tuhan sahaja yang tahu apa yang bergelodak dihati.. biar Dia yang tentukan semua, barangkali memang salah sendiri..untuk menginsafi & berfikir betapa besarnya kuasaNYA..sehingga perkara kecil di mata orang bagi kita terlalu besar...betapa ujian sebegitu kecil mampu menggugat justifikasi akal logik kita untuk tidak kecewa..tapi pada hakikatnya memang kecewa.
Pengajarannya, lain kali berterus terang sajalah, tak payah nak citer pusing-pusing, bukan tak mahu tolong, tapi ikhlas memohon tak jadi hal punyalah beb... minta tolong je, takpayah buat citer ye..(takpa..dah tau dah.. sebelum nie penah gak buat kan?)